Family Blog

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What's Happening?

8-19-06   We loaded up the car and went to the drive-inn.  The movie was Barnyard and it was just OK, but the hamburger was about the best I've ever had!  We had a great time!  Later, Nick had a blast jumping on the neighbors bike jump.  (See hompage.)

8-17-06   Brad and I played in the Bridge golf tournament today and won!  We shot 8 under par and had an eagle.  After a presentation, there was a raffle and I won and iPod Nano.  Overall a pretty good day!  

8-11-06   Happy birthday Super!  Nick turns six today and we had some VIP passes to the Real Salt Lake game!  First we went to Nick's favorite Chinese restaurant, the Asian Star, where he claims they have the best lettace wraps in the world!  When we got home, he opened all of his presents from Mom, Dad, and Katie.  He got some new golf clubs, an MP3 Player, an Darth Vader alarm clock and bunch of other cool stuff.

8-12-06   Today was the big pirate friends party for Nick and it was a huge success.  We played games, had a treasure hunt and a pinata.  A big shot from Nick busted it wide open and chaos ensued.  Later we braved unrelenting traffic to see David Beckham play the Real SL team.  We ended up in the Crimson Room at field level and had a great time!  Nick got a soccer ball at halftime that i think he liked better than any of the gifts we paid for...  The party continued on Sunday at Grandpa's and Grandma's house, where he got more presents and played with his cousins.  Click here to see some of the action.   I name the whole celebration "The Summer of Super"  since the whole thing took about a month to pull off...

7-22-06    Nick was telling me this morning that his new school pants were a size 7.  He said that "the size sixes looked like capris on me!".  

7-21-06   The family went our separate ways today.  Dad played in a golf tournament with Brad and had a great time.  I sank 4 putts in 5 holes that were over 20 feet!  We shot a 29 on the back nine, but couldn't keep it up on the back nine, shooting a 34, for a net 63.  

Mom, Nick and Katie went to the Alpine slide in Park City and as the pictures show here looks like they had a great time!  Nick got some new school clothes and they brought home carmel apples.  The slide was a blast and Nick said it was more fun than Thunder Mountain Railway at Disneyland!

7-20-06    Nick is laying next to me watching the British open highlights and asks me what I'm going to do to replace the iron (meant driver) that he lost despite me begging him to keep track of them.  I said that perhaps he will get one for his birthday if he is a good boy.  He promptly said "I want the top of the line!, The best there is!"  He's only 5!  Guess we better watch what we say around the kid....

7-20-06    "You need to trim your beard with a weed wacker!"

7-06   It would be hard for things to be more hectic than they are right now for us.  We have recently began making time to start biking again and we are having a blast.  It didn't take long for us to get in some serious trouble on our first jaunt up in the mountains as a family.  We just got on the trail, too far to turn back, when the hail, heavy rain, thunder and lightning roared in all around us.  Soon there was too much mud on our tires to continue riding, so we hundled together under a tree at the bottom of a valley until the storm passed and we could continue.  Here are some pictures, taken during the worst of the storm.