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We have had a very busy month!  Christy and I went on a whirlwind trip to NYC and had a blast!  We did a ton of shopping (at least Christy did...), saw Wicked on Broadway, went to a Mets game, and spent a lot of time touring the city.  Here is our top ten things to do in NY:


  1. Wicked 
  2. Various Chocolatiers
  3. China Town
  4. Century 21
  5. Tony DiNapoli's
  6. Au Bon Pain
  7. Little Italy
  8. Filene's Basement
  9. Stree Market Central Park
  10. Met's Game


  1. Wicked
  2. Met's Game
  3. Tony DiNapoli's
  4. Au Bon Pain
  5. Apple Store Central Park
  6. Hot Dog at Central Park
  7. Pizza Slice Anywhere!
  8. Street Market Central Park
  9. Filene's Basement
  10. 5th Avenue Shopping

X Games Training!

Great shot of Nick getting "some serious air" on the neighborhood jump!  Watch out ESPN!

Times Square, NYC!

Superkid - Computers for Kids Program

Nick is getting ready to launch Superkid, a program where he will be offering free surplus computers to a few special kids who may otherwise not be able to afford one.  If you know of anyone that you would like to nominate, please contact him at the following email address and tell him their story.